Slippery Elm Bark Powder
Herbalists attribute many wonderful healing properties to slippery elm: demulcent (soothing, mucilage-forming), emollient (soothing and protective for skin), nutritive (providing specific food nutrients), tonic (promoting healthy function of one or more body systems) and astringent (constricting, binding or drying effect). It also possesses antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Internally, the mucilage softly coats irritated, inflamed or damaged tissues, forming a protective barrier; externally, it can be used as a poultice to draw out infection and help wounds heal.
Slippery elm is one of the herbs used in the original formulation of “Essiac,” also called “Ojibwa Tea,” an herbal mixture widely promoted as a cancer-fighter.
In the gastrointestinal tract, slippery elm acts directly. Think of it as a sort of natural “Pepto-Bismol.” (However, Pepto-Bismol itself should not ever be used in pets because it contains salicylate, aka aspirin). When it comes to slippery elm for pets, the plant’s mucilage content coats, soothes and lubricates the mucous membranes lining the digestive tract. That makes it an excellent treatment for ulcers, gastritis, colitis, and other inflammatory bowel problems. It’s high in fiber, which helps normalize intestinal action. This means it can be used to relieve both diarrhea and constipation. It may also help alleviate nausea and vomiting in pets suffering from non-GI illnesses, such as kidney disease. A syrup made from slippery elm bark is helpful in healing mouth ulcers from all causes (see recipe below).
Slippery elm is said to relieve inflammation of virtually any mucous membrane and is used in the treatment of inflammatory conditions of the lungs (bronchitis, asthma), kidneys, bladder (cystitis, FLUTD symptoms), throat (tonsillitis) and joints (arthritis).
In the case of cystitis (bladder inflammation), Slippery Elm is thought to soothe the bladder lining, even though there is no direct connection between the digestive and urinary tracts. But its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components may be at work. Slippery elm contains magnesium, so it may not be a good choice if your pet is dealing with an elevated urinary pH or if a bacterial infection is present. Why? Because struvite ( magnesium ammonium phosphate) crystal formation may be a risk, causing more serious urinary problems.
Slippery elm bark also contains natural pentosans, a class of complex sugars that contains the same compound found in the pharmaceutical drug Elmiron®, which claims to be ”the major pain-relieving treatment for interstitial cystitis (IC) in women.” Pentosans have been used by the pharmaceutical industry as anticoagulants and anti-inflammatories for more than 40 years. (Anticoagulant effects are not seen at normal doses.) Since bladder disease in cats is very similar to that in women, slippery elm may be especially beneficial for our feline friends. Small, frequent dosages of pentosan have been shown in humans to be more effective than single large doses, and the same may be true for cats
Externally, a soothing paste of Slippery Elm powder (mix the powder with a little cold water) can be used as a poultice for hot spots, insect burns, rashes, scratches, ulcerated areas, or other shallow wounds. Native Americans used Slippery Elm bark to stop bleeding. It forms a natural "bandage" that can be left in place for several hours. (if you can convince your pet to leave it alone!)
To give internally, mix about 1/4 teaspoon of Slippery Elm bark powder with cold water for every 10 pounds of body weight. For very small dogs, it is fine to use the same 1/4 teaspoon dose. The bulk powder may be very fluffy, so pack it down as much as possible to measure it. Slippery Elm powder will absorb many times its own weight in water, so be sure to add enough to make a moderately thick gruel. This gruel can be given before meals by syringe or added to food. It has a slightly sweet taste and is usually well-tolerated by cats and dogs when mixed with food. Give a dose 5 minutes before meals for sore throat, and before or with meals for digestive tract problems, such as inflammatory bowel disease, until symptoms resolve.