Dogs are carnivores that evolved eating raw foods, not only raw fresh meat but also scavenged meats. They have a highly acidic digestive system that is specially designed to break up and utilise this high protein naturally varied diet.
Various well-publicised health scares over the last couple of decades have made consumers very wary of the threat of salmonella and other bacterial nasties. What’s ironic with these reports is that no one seems to make a big deal when commercial kibbles are recalled due to contamination.
Ideally your dog’s digestive system can handle bacteria in the gut without a problem. Dogs’ bodies are built to prevent harmful bacteria like salmonella from invading the body and upsetting the healthy balance of intestinal flora. Their highly acidic stomachs as well as natural digestive enzymes and bile help them process Salmonella and other bacteria without becoming ill.
Bacteria is present almost everywhere. It only causes problems when the immune system is stressed. Dogs, and their wild ancestors, have survived eons by eating raw meat. Because they have survived by eating raw meat (sometimes rotting, dead things) it clearly shows that nature has adapted dogs to deal with the bacteria found on their food.
Raw meat, organs and bones is what they are designed to eat and as such a raw diet is what is most bioavailable to them. Commercial foods are dry, full of unnatural fillers and overly processed using high heat, which alters or destroys nutrients and essential enzymes. Big pet food companies then try to replace what has been lost by adding synthetic vitamins and fillers then spraying the kibble with a tasty coating to entice your pets to eat it.
However these big companies don't always know what's missing and what proportion is best and there is an overall lack of education surrounding correct pet nutrition. It's only in the last fifty years or so that people started feeding dogs commercial foods. It's quite a coincidence that during this time dogs have developed more cancer, heart disease and allergies - just like people who also eat processed foods?
But my vet says raw is bad? Check this out; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eN6TVDWLVEI&ab_channel=PawsofPrey
The best food for your dog will vary depending on pet's individual needs. The basic diet, however, should consist of mostly succulent raw, meaty bones with the addition of some organ meat, plus a little muscle meat. Some people feel that the addition of vegetables can provide additional nutrition. However because of the design of a dog's teeth and their short digestive system they likely aren’t able to derive much nutrition from fruits and vegetables.
We are always here to help you figure out what will work best for your dog.
A few additional helpful resources;
Yes, dogs can (and have) choked on many things including bones, kibble, tennis balls, sticks, socks, etc. Dogs also break their teeth on bones, therefore, it is best to give them bones of a manageable size, which generally includes poultry, rabbits, and non-weight bearing bones of larger animals.
Wild dogs and wolves gnaw on raw bones to get essential calcium and to help to keep their teeth clean and strong. Providing that you choose dog-safe bones and prepare them correctly to match your dog’s size and life stage, they make up an essential, healthy, highly palatable addition to your dog’s diet.
Also note that there is a big difference between raw, dehydrated and cooked or smoked bones.
You should NEVER feed your dog onions, leeks, chives, grapes, raisins, currants, dates, dark chocolate, cooked bones. Cooking makes bones brittle and dangerous. Sugars, grains and dairy products should also be avoided.
WHAT ABOUT CATS? Should I feed my cat a raw food diet too?
As much as your dogs will benefit from a species appropriate bio-available food your cat will that much more. Cats are obligate carnivores which means they cannot process grains or vegetables they need meat. Cats are designed to thrive on a diet high in moisture and protein while they have zero need for carbs. Cats also don’t naturally seek out standing water sources, they are meant to get up to 90% of their moisture intake from their food.
Most cats people see are drastically overweight, yet it’s not as easily recognized or understood as with dogs. If you are meant to be eating frequent, small, lean, moisture rich meals in a day but instead you are grazing on a bowl full of dry burnt kibble that is filled with mostly carbs that your body doesn’t know what to do with you would also find it difficult to live your best life. On top of dealing with the fillers and carbs, most domestic cats are in a constant state of dehydration which causes strain and breakdown through their whole bodies. Frequently shown in the sharp increase of kidney disease and urinary tract issues.
Ok I hear you but I’ve tried raw and my cat wouldn’t touch it…
Cats are generally harder to switch over to raw given their tendency to imprint on certain textures and their general distrust of new things. However with dedication and possibly a bit of ‘cat logic’ you will get there, I promise. There are lots of tips and tricks for transitioning our finicky felines. We are always here to help.
Additionally here are a couple cat specific resources that may be helpful;
WHY CHOOSE RAW FOR PETS? What makes your company different?
Thankfully with more pet parents becoming aware of raw and the benefits it offers to our beloved furry family members there are now more commercially available raw options then ever. So how do you choose which option is the best? How do you navigate the different companies and options? Which proteins do you start with? Vegetables and fruit added? Added supplements? Rice or potato? Grains? How many times a day should I feed? How much should I feed?
The initial transition to raw can feel overwhelming but it’s worth it and you’re not alone.
We are a small company focusing on bringing you the highest quality, species specific and biologically appropriate meals for your pets. All our recipes here at Raw For Pets were designed by our certified animal nutritionist; Roxanne. While all of our meals and treats are made on site by our small and dedicated team. We strive to be here to help you with your pets individual needs, whether that is through our knowledgeable staff or even through one on one nutritional consults with our nutritionist.
We aren’t trying to beat out the big guys by cutting corners and compromising on quality, instead we are focusing on our high quality food and treats and standing behind what makes them good. We want to help you as the dedicated pet parent to make the best decision for your individual pet and understand the options that are out there.
Let us help you help them, that’s the RFP difference.
Last Updated: May 21, 2024