Benefits of Burdock to Dogs
As burdock is a healthy food with no toxicity found, it can be given to our dogs on a regular basis. Here are some examples of use in our dogs:
Burdock is a highly effective herb for the detoxification of the body. Its chemical constituents can remove toxic substances that are increasingly threatening the health of our dogs.
Liver Tonic
This herb enhances liver health and can be used as a long-term nutritive liver tonic to clean and build the blood. In particular, if you have an older dog, it is good to give this herb to your dog for liver support.
Bladder and Kidney Health
Dogs with kidney and bladder diseases resulting from poor waste elimination can also benefit from this herb. Remember I said above that burdock is a diuretic? It helps to eliminate waste materials from the body via urine.
Blood Sugar Regulation
Burdock helps balance blood sugar, so it is useful for dogs with diabetes.
Arthritis Treatment
Burdock has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is useful in the treatment of arthritis and rheumatoid disorders.
Skin Irritation Treatment
Burdock root is effective in treating chronic or acute psoriasis, mange, and eczema. It can also treat flaky, oily, or inflammatory skin disorders as a result of an overload of toxic substances in the body.
Cancer Treatment and Prevention
One of Burdock's main constituents, inulin, is anti-inflammatory and helps correct imbalances of the immune system. Therefore, it is useful for treatment of cancer.
In fact, this herb is one of the key ingredients in Essiac tea, which is a common complementary cancer treatment.
(Cancer basically, is caused by chronic inflammation and a weakened immune system).
Burdock is nutritive and contains minerals such as calcium, phosphorous, and iron, as well as B vitamins (e.g. thiamine, riboflavin), and inulin.
It is a diuretic and has antioxidant and blood-cleansing properties. In fact, Burdock root is one of the best "blood purifying" herbs. It also stimulates the liver and the gallbladder.
Burdock is a very safe herb, both for dogs and people. In fact, many dogs in Japan are used to eating the roots (cooked) with no complaints!
If you cannot find fresh burdock roots in your part of the world, you can always use dried root to make a decoction (see below) or buy an alcohol-free tincture, which can be mixed in with the dog's food.
Burdock Root.
Burdock is a highly effective herb for the detoxification of the body. Its chemical constituents can remove toxic substances that are increasingly threatening the health of our dogs.
This herb enhances liver health and can be used as a long-term nutritive liver tonic to clean and build the blood. In particular, if you have an older dog, it is good to give this herb to your dog for liver support.
Burdock root is effective in treating chronic or acute psoriasis, mange, and eczema. It can also treat flaky, oily, or inflammatory skin disorders as a result of an overload of toxic substances in the body.
Cancer Treatment and Prevention
One of Burdock's main constituents, inulin, is anti-inflammatory and helps correct imbalances of the immune system. Therefore, it is useful for treatment of cancer.
In fact, this herb is one of the key ingredients in Essiac tea, which is a common complementary cancer treatment.
(Cancer basically is caused by chronic inflammation and a weakened immune system
How To Make Burdock Root Decoction
- Combine 1 cup cold water and 1 to 2 teaspoons dried or 2 tablespoons fresh burdock root.
- Cover and bring to a boil.
- Reduce heat and simmer for 15-20 minutes.
- Remove from heat and let stand an additional 10 minutes.
- Strain and store in a container with a tight lid.
The decoction, if stored in a refrigerator, can be kept for up to about one week.
Dosage: Add up to 1 teaspoon of the decoction per 10 pounds of body weight to your dog's food daily.